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Right Brain

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Right Brain

Purpose By Design

At times, graphic design — the creation of visual content to communicate messages — can become something bigger than client service or the selling of a product, something fueled instead with purpose for the benefit of society at large.

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Reading, Writing and Roots

When Amy Alvarez moved to West Virginia, she wanted to connect with other Black poets and learn from their work. She was familiar with some Black Appalachian writers – Nikki Giovanni, Nikkey Finney, Kelly Norman Ellis and a few others – but she wanted to

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Right Brain

You are what you eat

We are what we eat, and that equation expands to where our food comes from, who grew or raised it, who processed it, who packaged or prepared it and who served it to us.

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Right Brain

This old thing?

Katie Jones believes the garb of West Virginia’s ghosts can tell us how those people lived and who they wanted to be.

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